Monday, 8 November 2010

Kelly Patrick Ryan: An epitaph

Kelly & Doug Odell, 'Colorado Red' day, 6th July '10. Never miss a chance to sniff some wort!

To those that knew him, Kelly Ryan will be remembered as an amiable antipodean, with a passion for beer and no knowledge of the word 'razor'.

Kelly's passing will be mourned by the team at Thornbridge Brewery, who can now get on with brewing great beers in peace, customers at the Coach & Horses, Dronfield who will no longer hear his catchphrase "Hey, I brewed that!" and the owners of specialist beer bars across the UK, who can now stock beers that don't contain New Zealand hops without fear of reprisals.

At times such as these I usually prefer to recall the good times and bar bills we shared, rather than dwell on our loss. During a brief respite from drinking free beer (at WBC) in Chicago, we went out for a restful pint and Kelly had everyone seeping with his collection of Korean anecdotes "canines and reptiles I have eaten". Whether judging or generally ranting, his uncanny ability to stick his nose in a beer and describe it's aroma like a rampant horticulturalist on speed is legendary.

He will be sadly missed and to use the vernacular, I'm stoked.
Now his Thornbridge Brewer Visa's expired, to the UK authorities he will remain
Kelly Patrick Ryan R.I.P.
(Remove If Possible)